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Barbara & Aylon Engler May your memories be a comfort August 31, 2009
Dear Jonathan, Tracey, Matthew & family - We were so sorry to hear of Alexandra's inexplicable death.  It is so hard to imagine how difficult this is for all of you.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.  We hope your sweet memories of Alexandra will be some comfort to you all.  With love, Barbara & Aylon.
Karen Krongold Loving Support August 31, 2009
Dear Jonathan, Tracey and Matthew, I am so sad for your loss of Alexandra who you love so dearly and miss so acutely. My blessings and heartfelt support goes to you now and into the future.
Ron Reuben With a heavy heart August 28, 2009
Words truly cannot express the sadness Sarith and I feel and to this day we find it hard to believe.

We met Alexandra only once, but she touched our hearts instantly. I remember trying to get her to pose for a picture at Passover Seder and getting the broadest ever smile with those little teeth showing. And the baby stroller with the doll seemed to be her favorite thing to push around as she walked about the house. Alexandra will always have a place in our hearts and memories.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in this immensely difficult time.  We pray that G*d give you the strength to cope with this inexplicable loss.
Robert and Susan Rothenberg From our hearts August 28, 2009
Dear Jonathan, Tracey and Matthew,
We want you to know that the two of us, as well as Jennifer and Scott, are deeply saddened by the loss of Alexandra. Although we never met her, from the pictures you shared with us and those on this site, she was an adorable little girl.  May the memories you have of her, as well as the love and support of your family and friends help sustain you now and in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.
Love, uncle Robert, Susan, Jennifer and Scott
David and Michele Dearborn Our hearts hurt for you August 25, 2009
Jonathan and family. We were so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful little girl. Words can never really express the sadness we feel even though we never met Alexandra or the rest of your family. We always thought you were special Jonathan so know the rest of your family is too. You will always have Alexandra in your heart and that's as close as one can get until you meet again. our love and deepest sympathies to the 3 of your and your extended families.
Erin Head Thinking of You August 22, 2009
What a beautiful girl and an unfathomable loss. Your eulogy brought more tears when I thought I had none left. Even though she was with you for so little time, it is obvious she left your family with a lifetime of precious memories. Continue to celebrate those countless gifts she gave you and somehow may time begin to heal your hearts.
Sending all my love and deepest sympathies, Erin
The Delisle Family Praying for You August 22, 2009
Jonathan, Tracey and Matthew,
Our hearts are very sad for your family.  Having small children of our own, we can only imagine the deep hole in your hearts left by your precious little girl.  We just wanted you to know that we have been praying for your entire family ever since we heard.  Sending them still, praying you can cling to the hope of seeing her again one day in a place where there are no tears.
Dennis, Lori (Heather's cousin), Cooper, Joseph & Jayden
Minh Phan :) August 22, 2009
Jon, Tracey, and Matthew, I cannot begin to describe how sad Christi and I are to hear of your tremendous lost. I'm so sorry. I cried more for the lost of Alexandra than you will ever know. I have not stop thinking about her since hearing of this terrible news, nor will I ever stop thinking of Alexandra. You, Tracey and Matthew will always be in my thoughts. Your Pal, Minh "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao-Tzu
Jason Woodall My prayers are with you and the family August 22, 2009
Jonathan, this is Jason, I came to NY with Minh a couple years ago and I just heard the news. I was so sorry to hear about Alex. I can't imagine your pain, but you and the family will get through it, you are strong and loving people. My heart goes out to you and Tracy. This is a beautiful tribute page to Alex and her memory. She will live through you, and you through her, forever. All my best, Jason.
Tonia Charles My heart hurts for you August 21, 2009
What a beautiful little girl Alexandra was!  She was so lucky to be a part of such an amazing family and to have two of the best parents any child could ever ask for.  I know that the pain of losing her will never go away, but I hope that time will help heal your broken hearts.  I feel so fortunate to have met her.  I know she will live forever in all our memories.  My VERY deepest sympathies to you all.
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